Contributing to this project#

This document explains how can you contribute to:

  • DiddiParser 2 (the Python package, which is the official DiddiScript parser)

  • DiddiScript (language)

  • This documentation

Report a bug or propose a new feature#

We have GitHub Issues enabled, so you can report bugs and propose features on it. In many cases, it is better to open an issue before submitting a pull request, so we can discuss your idea first.


Proposals to the DiddiScript language (not libraries) should be filed as a DSGP. Read more at DSGPs (DiddiScript Grammar Proposals)… The future of DiddiScript.

Contributions to the parser (DiddiParser 2)#

DiddiParser 2 (diddiparser2) is a Python package. As a Python package, it accepts contributions in Python code. You can contribute with libraries, parser behaviors, etc. Also, you can contribute to GitHub-specific stuff, and anything else living on the repository.

Python version#

You must have Python 3.7+ to use and develop DiddiParser 2.

Forking the GitHub repo#

To get the GitHub repository for development, use Git to clone it:

git clone

(Also, you can clone from your own fork on GitHub, or use the interface).

Set up Nox#

We use Nox in our GitHub CI. But you can also use it on your local clone. If you have installed nox, you can run sessions on it. They are necessary for testing on a local clone.

Code style and linters#

We follow the Black code style in our codebase. Also, we run linters (isort, flake8) to keep the codebase as clean as possible.

To reformat your code, run:

nox -s format

To run linters, run:

nox -s lint

Also, you can run both things together with another session:

nox -s format-and-lint

To test your code with a DiddiScript console and the latest code:

nox -s generate-console

And to check your code with the DiddiScript editor:

Contributions to documentation#

Documentation Status

We host our documentation using ReadTheDocs and Sphinx. We accept contributions to the documentation’s source code, and their related items.

DSGPs (DiddiScript Grammar Proposals)… The future of DiddiScript#

Do you want to contribute to the DiddiScript grammar? Read this section, it is for you.

The DiddiScript grammar depends on a series of documents called DSGPs (DiddiScript Grammar Proposals). On those documents, the future of DiddiScript is being developed. You can write and propose one, and maybe you can improve the DiddiScript language!

See also


This DSGP describes the scheme that all the DSGPs should follow.

Tree of DSGPs

This tree contains the complete list of DSGPs.

Search in-progress DSGPs

Pull requests of DSGPs that aren’t on the official list, and are not ready yet.

DSGPs Project Board

See the statuses of the DSGPs, according to their PRs.