Command-line usage

The DiddiParser 2 command-line tool can be accessed by 2 ways: by running the traditional python -m diddiparser2 or the diddiparser2 console script:

python -m diddiparser2 file.diddi
diddiparser2 file.diddi

diddiparser2 options


diddiparser2 --version

Print the parser’s version.


diddiparser2 other_script.txt --ignore-suffix

Ignore the warnings caused when the script does not end with the standard .diddi prefix. This passes ignore_suffix=True to diddiparser2.parser.DiddiParser.__init__().

--verbose / -v

diddiparser2 some_file.diddi --verbose

Pass verbose=True to diddiparser2.parser.DiddiParser.__init__(). The parser will echo all the commands found in the file.

--compile-only / -c

diddiparser2 some_file.diddi --compile-only

Pass compile_only=True to diddiparser2.parser.DiddiParser.__init__(). The parser will just run what is necessary, and will compile and identify potential errors.

diddiscript-console – Interactive console

DiddiParser 2 has provided an interactive console to run command-by-command (which is, formally, a REPL), via the diddiscript-console command:

C:> diddiscript-console

Welcome to the interactive DiddiParser console.
Parser version: 1.0.0


diddiscript-editor – DiddiScript integrated editor

DiddiParser 2 has an integrated editor built with Tk (via the tkinter Python module) with special functionalities focused on DiddiScript.

It can be activated via the diddiscript-editor command, or using python -m diddiparser2.editor.

See a detailed guide at The DiddiScript Editor Guide.