DiddiParser 2 tutorial

This document will help you learn to start with DiddiScript and DiddiParser 2.

Install DiddiParser 2

To use DiddiScript, you’ll need its parser, DiddiParser 2. This parser is a Python package, so you can get it using pip:

python -m pip install diddiparser2

To upgrade it, use:

python -m pip install --upgrade diddiparser2

Write your DiddiScript file

First of all, you can write a DiddiScript file (*.diddi), which is the traditional way to use DiddiScript. You can define instructions and more, like most of the programming languages.

Storing data with variables

You can store several data types using variables:

!# NOTE: "!#" is the DiddiScript commentary.

var my_var;              !# Null (implicit)
var x = 23.4;            !# Floating numbers
var y = 56;              !# Integers
var name = "Diego";      !# Text
var is_true = False;     !# Booleans
var empty_stuff = Null;  !# Null (explicit)

You can insert variables into text:

var name = "Diego";
var greeting = "Hello, ${name}!";  !# This would become "Hello, Diego!"

See DiddiScript variables to learn more.

Using functions

Also, you can call functions, and pass arguments or not (depending on each use case):

function1(my_var);             !# You can pass variables
function2(413);                !# Or direct values
function3("My text", my_var);  !# You can provide several arguments...
function4();                   !# ...Or no arguments at all!

To see the current available functions, run this:

print_available_functions();     !# Print all the available functions

You can use pre-loaded functions, and use other functions:

!# The functions below were loaded by default
store_input("Name: ");
!# The special '_memory' variable represents the last value. In this case, the obtained input:
print_line("Hello, ${_memory}. I am DiddiScript");

load_module("math");  !# This will load the 'math' library

!# Something added by 'math'
sum_operation(1, 1);  !# 1 + 1

print_line("1 + 1: ${_memory}");

See Functions for more information about functions.

Execute your file!

After you wrote and saved your file, you can run the diddiparser2 command on your bash/cmd prompt:

diddiparser2 my_diddiscript_file.diddi

(Also, using python -m diddipase2 works fine).

And your file will be executed!

$ diddiparser2 my_diddiscript_file.diddi
Name: Diego
Hello, Diego. I am DiddiScript.
1 + 1: 2

Python-level usage

Since it is written in Python, DiddiParser 2 can be used under Python code!

# These lines of code are equivalent to
# running "diddiparser2 my_diddiscript_file.diddi",
# but using Python!
from diddiparser2.parser import DiddiParser

script = DiddiParser("my_diddiscript_file.diddi")

The interactive console

If you don’t want to write a DiddiScript file, you can try commands in real time using the DiddiScript interactive console (or REPL). You can call it via the diddiscript-console command:

$ diddiscript-console
Welcome to the interactive DiddiParser console.
Parser version: 1.0.0

> !# put your commands here!

Going deeper

You know the DiddiScript basics! Hooray!

But if you want to learn more, you can read more in this documentation: