DiddiParser 2 tutorial#

This document will help you learn to start with DiddiScript and DiddiParser 2.

Install DiddiParser 2#

To use DiddiScript, you should install its parser, DiddiParser 2. You can get it using Pip:

pip install diddiparser2

To upgrade it:

pip install --upgrade diddiparser2

Write your DiddiScript file#

First of all, you need to write a DiddiScript file (*.diddi). You can define instructions that run fast with this language.

You can store data using variables:

var my_var;              !# Null
var x = 23.4;            !# Floating numbers
var y = 56;              !# Integers
var name = "Diego";      !# Text
var is_true = False;     !# Booleans
var empty_stuff = Null;  !# Null (explicitly)

Also, you can call functions, and pass arguments or not:

function1(my_var);             !# You can pass variables
function2(413);                !# Or values
function3("My text", my_var);  !# You can pass several arguments
function4();                   !# Or no arguments at all!

You can insert variables into text:

var name = "Diego";
var greeting = "Hello, ${name}!";  !# This would become "Hello, Diego!"

Also, there is a bunch of special functions, that conform your toolbox. To see them, run this:

print_available_functions();     !# Print all the available functions

You can use pre-loaded functions, and use other functions:

!# The functions below were loaded by default
store_input("Name: ");
!# The special '_memory' represents the last value. In this case, the obtained input:
print_line("Hello, ${_memory}. I am DiddiScript");

load_module("math");  !# This will load the 'math' library

!# Something added by 'math'
sum_operation(1, 1);  !# 1 + 1

print_line("1 + 1: ${_memory}");

Execute your file#

After you wrote and saved your file, you can run the diddiparser2 command:

diddiparser2 my_diddiscript_file.diddi

(Also, using python -m diddipase2 works fine).

And the inputs/outputs will be shown!

$ diddiparser2 my_diddiscript_file.diddi
Name: Diego
Hello, Diego. I am DiddiScript.
1 + 1: 2

Lower-level usage#

Since it is written in Python, DiddiParser 2 can be used under Python code!

# These lines of code are equivalent to
# running "diddiparser2 my_diddiscript_file.diddi"
from diddiparser2.parser import DiddiParser

script = DiddiParser("my_diddiscript_file.diddi")

The interactive console#

If you don’t want to write a DiddiScript file, you can try commands in real time using the DiddiScript interactive console (or REPL). You can call it via the diddiscript-console command:

$ diddiscript-console
Welcome to the interactive DiddiParser console.
Parser version: 1.0.0

> !# put your commands here!

Going deeper#

You know the DiddiScript basics! Hooray!

But if you want to learn more, you can read more in this documentation: